R:\Bau\About >_

Based in London and Dublin, Robert is a Swedish innovation & design leader with deep expertise in service innovation, service design, and UX strategy. Having lived and worked in five countries on two continents, he brings cross-cultural sensitivity and a global mindset to the table.

Leader & Strategist: Empowered 250+ multi-disciplinary teams working on complex, multi-faceted innovation and branding challenges through servant leadership, strategic guidance, and creative direction.

Coach & Mentor: Built innovation capabilities and creative confidence for blue-chip organizations, creative consultancies, and professionals through best-in-class training, coaching, and mentoring.

Educator: Empowered the next generation of design and business leaders through pioneering courses and world-class learning experiences at 10 design schools in five countries.

Trailblazer: Pushed the envelope of service innovation & design through thought leadership, ground-breaking work, published articles, and 70+ speaking engagements.